A quiet place to raise a family.

Come visit us in Glandorf Ohio!


Welcome to Glandorf, Ohio!

A friendly village where the traditions and values of our German heritage are evident in our close knit community.

Village Office Hours

Monday from 8 am to 12 pm / 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Tue, Thu, Fri 8 am to 12 pm

Village of Glandorf

Comprehensive Community Plan

Growing Glandorf

A Comprehensive Community Plan has been developed by the Glandorf Residence along with
help from Reveille LTD Group from Bowling Green, Ohio.
Comprehensive Development Plan:


Comprehensive Community Plan

Council Meeting

First Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm

​The meeting is open to the public by teleconference. Dial the call-in number, enter the ID number followed by the # sign.

Call-in No.: (952) 222-1750
Conference ID: 2614691#


Tax payments, utility payments and other correspondence may be dropped off at the drop box. You may drive up to it, as it is located next to the sidewalk at the southeast end of the building.

Zoning Variance Hearings

Zoning Variance Hearings will be held on the last Saturday of the month, 9:00 a.m. Please notify the village by the 5th day of the month to allow for public notification. The backup day is following Monday evening at 6:30 p.m.

Village of Glandorf

(419) 538-6953

Utilities - ext 1
Fiscal Officer/Tax Dept - ext 2
Mayor - ext 3

(419) 538-7290


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